at work 4 kids
Exploring the rich diversity of people and careers in STEAM
The study of science is a great pathway to an exciting life. Sadly, many students still think a scientist is a guy in glasses who wears a white lab coat and carries a bubbling Erlenmeyer flask everywhere. (What's in that flask anyway?) My goal is to change the image kids have of scientists from this:
To this ...................................................Or this ..................................................Or even this!
(Virtual Reality explorer) (Marine Biologist) (Science Artist)
And while we're at it, let's include genders, races, and ages. Yes, even kids can be scientists!
​Contact Sharon to schedule school or conference presentations:
Email sharon@steamatwork4kids.org or use the handy contact box below.

Sharon Sivinski has taught students in K-College classrooms. Then, working for the Albuquerque Bernalillo Water Utility Authority she designed and implemented a Water Conservation Education Program that won two national awards: Public Information and Education Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies in 2017, and Public Communications and Outreach Award from the Water Environment Federation in 2016.
Currently she is Regional Advisor of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators in New Mexico.